Duarte Inc

Duarte is a different kind of agency. Clients come to us with diverse needs, but all are looking for original thinking, design expertise, and above all, simplicity. The design team at Duarte transforms complex ideas into meaningful visuals that tell a compelling story. Our clients include some of the biggest companies and most amazing thinkers of our time, and through our work for them we're changing the definition of "presentation", taking what was a dirty word and turning it into something we're proud to call our niche and specialty. For an idea of what that means, take a look at slide:ology and Resonate before we talk. We're a family culture that serves and adores each other, so a dog-eat-dog approach won't work here; a coach/mentor/do-what-I-do approach works best. We're more about building a reputable company where the phone rings automatically than making hoards of money. We like to hire people who love to plant themselves and stay for decades instead of days and see the fruit of the seeds they plant. Check out our site: www.duarte.com. We look forward to hearing from you.