Rhode Island School of Design

Rhode Island School of Design has earned an international reputation as the leading college of art and design in the United States. Approximately 2,500 students from across the world study at RISD, pursuing degrees in 19 studio majors in architecture, design and the fine arts. More than 27,000 alumni worldwide testify to the impact of a RISD education, exemplifying the vital role artists and designers play in fueling global innovation. Founded in 1877, RISD and the RISD Museum help make Providence, RI among the most culturally active and creative cities in the region.

President Rosanne Somerson, an internationally-renowned furniture designer / maker and the first alumna to lead the institution, has long been a champion for the power of critical thinking and making, underscoring the value of art, design and a deeply immersive studio-based education to advancing life in the 21st century.

Additionally, RISD is strongly committed to ensuring that a RISD education is within reach of a larger, more diverse pool of talented students, in particular populations that are underrepresented in the fields of art and design. RISD has launched an institutional Social Equity and Inclusion Action Plan which address not only financial access but also ensures that students have the resources and campus support needed to thrive.